The MacQueen Awards
Dr Ian MacQueen
Dr MacQueen was a Medical Officer of Health in Aberdeen, and a Vice President and Trustee of the Health Visitors' Association, now known as the CPHVA.
He believed passionately in the contribution that health visitors make to the health of a population, especially in public health. He wished to support this work, and reward individual health visitors for work that demonstrates excellence.
2024 winners
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"This generous award will enable me to undertake my PhD studies exploring Infant Feeding services. I hope this work will make a meaningful contribution to the lives of children and families as well as enable me to develop my professional career in Health Visiting."
" I feel so fortunate to have been awarded a Macqueen bursary. This has given me the opportunity to undertake a Masters level module in Parent and Infant mental Health which will help me to improve the support that we offer our families struggling with mental health locally."
"The ability to integrate [my Level 5 Integrative Counselling Qualification] into my role as a Family Nurse can, I hope, facilitate greater depth to my work with young people and...gain greater impact for the young parents and the long term emotional, physical, and psychological health of their children."
"With the bursary I can complete the dissertation module of my MSc in Professional Practice in Health. This in turn will allow me to grow in my own personal development as well as add to my professional CV. I intend to share my knowledge and research within my own service and with the wider CPHVA members in the endeavour to enhance practice."
"I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to pursue a postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Practice in Infant Mental Health and Wellbeing with the support of the CPHVA Education and development Trust. This course has opened a unique opportunity for self-improvement. The contribution to health visiting that I will be able to make will benefit the public health of our infants"
Previous winners
"I feel very honoured and proud to have been awarded a Macqueen’s Bursary. It will support me to continue my professional development and research into the importance of embedding community nursing practice into undergraduate nursing education. The bursary offers a fantastic opportunity for CPHVA members to develop professionally and fly the flag for community nursing practice."
"The award has enabled me to undertake some extra training around Children's sleep to enhance my work with the health visiting team sleep clinic... It has also enabled me to add to my professional development portfolio. I would recommend anyone to apply for this funding it is straightforward, and it can open up opportunities that perhaps you or your employer would not normally be able to fund."
"Winning the MacQueen bursary award has enabled me to start completing my master's in professional healthcare practice whilst working as a health visitor. I feel extremely grateful for this opportunity as it's allowed me to put forward a research proposal from an idea I have been working on for a while. It feels rewarding receiving this award and I would encourage other professionals to apply."
"[a Macqueen grant via the CPHVA as not only does it support my own professional development in completing my masters qualification, I am also able to use the findings from the dissertation in my work and disseminate it through my service leads to make future improvements in the care our service provides."
"Winning a MacQueen award has given me the opportunity to access advanced breastfeeding training...and helps to support my aim to improve breastfeeding journeys for the families I work with ...through enhancing my knowledge and skills."
"I feel so fortunate to have been awarded a MacQueen bursary. This opened the door for me to continue my education and in September 2022 and I started my M.Sc. in perinatal mental health at Sheffield Hallam University."
"The knowledge and skills obtained through training will be used to strengthen support for families transitioning from the NICU/NNU environment and promote early, sensitive